Meet Our Team

Kennel Assistants

Our kennel assistants are the ones responsible for keeping the clinic clean and smelling good. They are our "cleaning engineers" in every area including cages, kennels, floors, walls, counters, equipment, laundry and outside maintenance. They care for your pets by feeding and walking them and when necessary, assist in holding them. Our kennel assistants wear many hats and play a vital role behind the scenes.


ROCHELLE came to Baileys in February of 2011 and has been a wonderful asset to our kennel crew staff. You can rest assured that when your pet comes into the clinic, Rochelle will be there to comfort them and make sure that they feel safe and loved during their stay with us. Aside from caring for her own pets, some of her time away from the clinic is spent dabbling in photography and taking nature walks.


Since June 2003, HANNAH has been a wonderful member of the Bailey family. Her goal is to always do her best and to make customers proud and happy. She does just that as she hustles through the halls of the clinic, sweeping, mopping and keeping it clean. With a smile on her face, Hannah tells us that she enjoys working at Bailey's because we always work as a team.

She enjoys basketball, golf, and bowling and has traveled several times over the years to compete in the Special Olympics. In 2014, she traveled to New Jersey and brought home the gold in women’s golf!!


Nikki was welcomed to the Kennel Crew Family in January of 2022. In her spare time, you can find her hiking and playing with her boys. Going to the beach and birdwatching are among her other favorite activities. Nikki and her family are the happy owners of a beautiful mastiff dog named Kimber, 3 cats, chickens, turkeys, ducks, roosters, and goose. Nikki says she didn't have a lot of pets growing up, but always loved animals. When she was 18, she got a job in a grooming salon and that started off her career with animals. She has a kind heart and is always eager to hold or bring comfort to a pet. Her co-workers are thankful for her and happy she is a part of our team. When asked what her favorite thing is here at Bailey Vet Clinic she states, " I love working at bailey's because the owners are so generous, nice, and funny. My co-workers are the best and make it so easy to work here. I love working especially with the animals, it is so rewarding. Plus, it's great seeing all the cute furry faces". We are so grateful Nikki choose to be a part of our team and look forward to every year celebrated with her.


We welcomed Bella in August of 2022! Her fur family includes 2 horses and a chocolate lab. Bella's interest in the veterinary field sprouted from growing up in 4H showing horses and a lamb. Outside of the clinic, she spends my time showing horses, at the barn, with friends and family, and anything outdoors.


Mallory joined our Kennel Assistant team in November 2023, she has a passion to become a veterinarian and is excited to have the hands on clinical setting experience to further her education. In her free time Mallory enjoys spending time with her friends and family, playing the piano, photography, and participating in clubs at school. She has two Beagles of her own that keep her on her toes and her favorite quote is,"Work hard in silence, let you success be your noise."


Kennady back to work at Bailey Veterinary Clinic for the second time in January 2024, after some time off she decided she missed all the clients and pets! In her free time she enjoys reading, writing, and training her dog "Remmy" Kennady rescued Remmy when he was just a puppy and has had him as her best friend for 2 years. They are constant companions when Kennady is not at work! She also likes to spend time playing video games, and writing novels. Some of the things she has made a goal of is to breed her own Beaucerons, a breed of dog, and doing sports with them such as PSA and bite work.

Favorite quote-

"When you are lost in the darkness, look for the light."


Jenna is excited to work at Bailey Veterinary Clinic, expanding her experience and reaching her goal to becoming a Certified Veterinary Technician! She has many pets at home on the farm, and has lived in the country all her life and loves every part of it. She enjoys paddleboarding, fishing, camping, horseback riding, and of course spending time with aal of her pets and farm animals. Jenna likes road trips and spending time with family, and is working hard towards being able to buy her own farm in the next few years and get her Technician certification.

​​​​​​​Favorite Quote-

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as woking for the Lord, and not for men."- Colossians 3:23


In September of 2023 we welcomed Bryonna to our team of Room Assistants, she is now learning Kennel Assistant to increase her knowledge in handling patients! Bryonna enjoys hiking, hunting, fishing, road trips, and exploring the outdoors of Oregon, when she isn't relaxing and hanging out with her family and dogs. Her favorite quote is "The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty." -Winston Churchill. We are so pleased to have Byonna here at Bailey Veterinary Clinic, with her kind soul and caring heart, she is a perfect fit to out team of assistants!